Sunday, September 26, 2010

Healing.. Through the Pain

A Mighty Fortress is OUR GOD!  Those are the words I am singing as I write this blog.  I have not been blogging lately, but feel it in my heart to share with you what God is sharing with me tonight. 

These past couple of weeks have been tough to go through.   As most everyone knows, I had a breakup with a guy that I thought I was destined to be with.  I was devastated at the prospect of having to go through this pain.  And it took God making me fall to my face in my bedroom floor when I realized that He who got me to this, will get me THROUGH this!  And get me through it He is.  I have been overwhelmed with stress and pain and just absolute hurt lately.  It has taken God knocking me to the ground to realize that He is still here, and still loves me.  He knows my heart, knows what I need, and has a plan for my life that is going to blow me away! 

Sometimes it's so hard for us to think that God has everything under control so that we don't have to worry about any of it, but that's part of God's way for us.  I know that He has a plan for my life, and has it laid out so that I don't have to worry. 

This morning during our church service I felt like God wrapped His arms around me and told me that he was with me, and that I would never have to be alone.  A feeling that I needed so bad.  It has been tough going through all this difficulty in my life, but God is showing me through it all that He is God and knows everything about me, also knowing that I am going to come through all this a much stronger person in the end. 

The church service this evening was just the icing on the cake!  God showed up and showed out!  The music was incredible!  The worship time with God was indescribable!  And getting the opportunity to be in a room where God filled every little inch was absolutely incredible.  The songs spoke directly to my heart.  They spoke telling me that God was there, knew the desire of my heart, and will continue to be with me now and forever.  Some of the lyrics really stood out during the service and I listed some of the bits of songs below that I felt like God really spoke to me with...

..And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us.. And if our God is with us, then what could stand against!..

..Our God is Greater, Our God is Stronger, God you are HIGHER than any other.. 

..A Mighty Fortress is our God, A Sacred Refuge is Your Name.  Your Kingdom is unshakable!  With you FOREVER we will reign!...

There has been one song that has really reminded me that God is there, He is with me, and that He is telling me that it will all be ok!  That song is The Dark Before the Morning by Josh Wilson.  This is an absolutely incredible song, and I would hope you would follow the link I added on here and truly listen to the words of this song.  My pain and hurt is just the dark before the morning!  And there will be a morning! 

I love my God with all my heart, and know that He is the king of my life and I am his princess!  He's here, loving me, and showing me more each day that He is truly God!

This is a picture I took about a month ago, and this is what I am looking forward to.  The sunrise on this dark!  

Before the Morning Video  

1 comment:

  1. What's amazing is how God works in every individual heart in a unique and personal way even in the midst of "corporate" worship. From the worship leaders point of view, you never know what God is doing in all the hearts that are standing in front you. We just have to trust that God has His agenda and we just have to let go and fall into His purpose and plan.

    Your blog was inspiring and encouraging. From all the pain and hurt I have endured myself through the years, nothing heals and makes new like the presence of God. Nothing takes me straight to His heart like worship. Worship goes beyond words and enters a special place in our Spirit and hearts.

    Love you girl! Keep on pressing towards Him and He will continue to reveal more and more of His indescribable love and beauty!
