Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 7: Start the Work Week with Laughs!

While cleaning out my emails I found an email of Christian cartoons that I received a while back and some of them were so awesome!!  My plan was to share them with you here, but for some reason the pictures are not being allowed to post.  So I am sharing the link instead.  Go to the page and today's comic will be on there.  You can also click archives and find tons of them here!  

Which one did you find the funniest?  Share with everyone!  

Have a wonderful week and keep checking in and leaving those awesome comments! 


Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 5: Summing It Up.... for now!

Well hello blog readers!  I promise I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth, but I have tried to stay focused on studying God, and with everything in life and all the studying taking place, I haven't had the chance to catch you all up.  So I'm hoping to catch you up a little... on the personal side of life as well as the spiritual side..

Some of you may have no idea about who I am or anything about me, but something very exciting happened to me on Wednesday.  I got an e-mail from the Georgia Professional Standards Commission telling me that I had a new certificate to see!

Yes, the state of Georgia has decided that I can do it, and has awarded me with a teaching certificate!  :)  I was so excited that I needed a picture, even though I tired from working all day!  I just knew that I wanted to share that wonderful news with all of you!  More good news to come later, but I wanted to share about my certificate!

Now from God's perspective.  This has been an incredible week.  Proved to be a challenge at times, but God has proven to me that He is worthy of praise all the time, and I am honored that He desires my worship.

This week I have learned a lot, both about God and about myself.  But if I take nothing else out of this experience, I am going to take away the closeness that I have with God now.  The breath of Him has been on me, and I feel His prescence all around me, espeically when I am in His Word.  I'm humbled and honored that God loves me enough to desire my worship and living my life for Him, and that's exactly what I plan to do.  I plan to live my life for MY God!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and keep checking back in!  I pray daily for those of you reading these blogs, that something you see and read will touch you in a mighty and powerful way. 

Love you all!  Brittney

P.S. Below are some pictures of my dry erase board in my room and some Bible verses that have spoken to me.  When I find one that totally stands out or something that I just absolutely love, I write it on my board.  So these are a few of the ones I wrote!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Special Post for Two Wonderful Men

This is just a quick post about something on my heart tonight.  Today has been such an incredible day and so much excitement has happened in my life that I hope to share really soon.  But for others this is a somber occasion. 

Two of my very good friends are getting ready to send two of their loved ones over seas to serve our country.  One of the girls is one of my good friends I went through college with.  She is sending her husband to fight for our country.  She is pregnant and getting ready to prepare to bring a child into the world and he is leaving to go fight for our freedom.  The other girl is a wonderful woman I met while student teaching who is sending her son-in-law over seas.  She loves him so much, and talks about him all the time.  She feels like he is her son, and it shows in the pride she has for him. 

Tonight I want to let these two ladies know, along with their families, that we are all praying for you.  We are praying that God is going to wrap His protective armour around these two men so that they can do what God has asked of them, which is to fight for our freedom.  We are also praying for you, along with all the other family that is around you, that you will feel peace and comfort in this difficult time you are facing. 

Everyone reading this blog, please take a moment to pray for these two men.  Pray for their families, and that they will make it back home safely to their home. 

The picture below is dedicated to Steven and Kennon.  Thank you men for your service to our country and we pray for a safe return!

Day 3: My Testimony

Hello followers!  How awesome it is to have people that support me by simply logging onto this blog to see what is going on through this 40 days of spending so much time with God. 

A day 2 update that didn't get on yesterday's post is that the message of last night in my book was that not only is it not about me but about God, I was not an accident.  And neither were you.  It's so cool to think that God thought about us, and planned us in the specific way He did.  God doesn't make mistakes, and it's so cool to think the God that planned the environment, the Earth, and all the things around us also planned the very essence of me, and everything that is of me.  Just like He did of you.  I'm excited to see what day 3 is about.  (By the way, I'm reading the book and doing the 40 days study at the very end of my night which is why it doesn't get posted on that day.  In case you were wondering!)

Today I decided to continue with the Romans study, so I was in chapter two!  Wow, what a chapter!  So much was shared by Paul in the second chapter of Romans, and I learned a lot through this study.  :)  A couple of things that really stood out to me was first Romans 2:24.  The verses before 2:24 talk about the Jews and that there were people that were preaching one thing and carrying out another.  Romans 2:24 talks about what happens to people when they do this, "For, as it is written, 'The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.' "  The question that went with this verse asked the simple question: what are you doing in your life for the name of God?  Are your actions making the name of God blasphemed or famous in his glory?  I have never really thought about it, but I'm thinking about it tonight. 

The other thng that was so powerful was that it talked about the heart that you have if you are living for God in the end of the chapter.  The question posed was: Are you trusting in some religious rite you experienced years ago?  What evidence in your life do people see your heart for God? 

These two questions have really been on my heart tonight.  I have been writing so many thoughts, and private thoughts between God and I.  But I am really pondering this tonight.  What am I doing in my life to, first, show that I am not relying on a rite that I took when I was seven years old but living to show how my heart longs and lives for God?  It all goes back to making the name of Jesus famous in all the world. 

Those are the thoughts for tonight.  Prayers for each of you for sticking with me, and thank you for your support!  Love you guys!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 2: My Introduction

Well, two days are down in my forty days of purpose!  I have not finished my studying for tonight but I wanted to go ahead and share my update on what was going on.  I went on a mini-road trip with my cousin today to Columbus to take care of a few errands.  While there, we ran into Lifeway Christian Bookstore.  (For those who don't know me well, I love to read!  Always been a weakness, so this kind of store is sometimes not a great idea!)  While there, I found a couple of new study books to help guide me in studying some of God's Word.  One of the study books is a focus on Romans, which is what I have started with.  (I'm still reading the book about worship and still reading The Purpose-Driven Life book.  Yeah, my reading list is a lot I know!)

Anyway, the Romans book began with studying the first chapter of Romans.  After reading the first eight verses of Romans, I was concerned on where this book was taking me because I was already lost in the wording.  After reading about three different translations it began to make more sense to me.

The first part of the chapter talks about Paul.  Paul writes Romans as a letter to the followers of God in Rome.  He is making his introductions in the first seven verses by explaining who he is.  Then the book I am studying threw a big question at me.  It said "If you could write an introduction like this one about yourself, what would you say about your relationship to Jesus, the gospel, to other people in the world, and to fellow Christians?"  Wow, what a packed question.  I began to really ponder that and finally began to write my own introduction.  I shortened it and rewrote it on my dry-erase board in my bedroom so that I could see it frequently and remind myself of it.

I give you the challenge to sit down tonight and think about that question, and how you could honestly answer it.  Read the introduction that is talked about here in Romans 1:1-7.  Think about what you could write about yourself to make your introduction.  I attached a picture of my board so you all could see what I wrote. (Just click on the picture to make it bigger!)

Excited for another day!  I'm working tomorrow so I hope to carry the joy of Christ into the first grade classroom I get the priviledge to serve in tomorrow.  God bless each of you readers, and prayers are lifted for you tonight.  Have an awesome day and keep checking back in!


Day 1 Update

Well, day one has come and gone.  What an incredible day.  I woke up this morning thinking it was going to be a dream because I had such an awesome day! 

Yesterday morning God laid it on my heart to remove all the distractions from my life and to really begin to focus all my efforts on Him.  What an awesome day that was.  I could never begin to share with you all the things I learned, but here are a few highlights of things that really touched home with me. 

1 Timothy 4:12 ->  Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, and in purity. 

1 Thessalonains 5:16-18 ->  Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 

In the book The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, I was able to read day one and complete day one in the journal I have that accompanies it.  Some of the main things in the reading were:
  • You did not create yourself, so there is no way you can tell yourself what you were created for.  Just like a new invention, you have to consult the inventor or the Owner's Manual.  In my life, I'm consulting the Owner (God) and the Owner's Manual (God's Word).  
  • You were my by God and for God - and until you understand that, life will never make sense. 
  • God was thinking of you and me long before you ever though about Him.  His purpose for your life predates your conception.  He planned it before you existed, and without your input!
I am working on writing a lot, and memorizing scripture.  The writings are being saved for right now until I feel like the time is right to share them.  The memorization is coming from several places, but I am really intrigued by Beth Moore's blog and her challenges that she has given to women to spend one year memorizing scripture.  I'm taking that concept and tweeking it a little in that I'm wanting to memorize about 10 verses a week. 

I just have this drive and thirst for God right now.  A thirst that cannot be quenched, and I hope it's a thirst that is never quenched.  I am so excited to see what God shows me next. 

Thank you for checking on me.  You all reading this blog and keeping up with me is one of the things that is keeping me going through these next forty days.  The readers of this blog are the people holding me accountable to do this for forty days.  And I thank you for reading and praying for me, as I am praying for all of you, that something on this blog would touch your heart. 

More to come!  :)  Brittney

Monday, January 24, 2011

Goodbye but Hello!

Well, I guess most of you are reading this blog post because you saw that I am giving up Facebook and other distractions to get close to God.  I am so excited to start this journey to see what God has in store for me in these next few weeks.  I am planning on giving up for the next 40 days as part of a book and Bible study that I am going to go through.

Several years ago, our church did a 40 day Bible study called The Purpose Driven Life and 40 Days of Purpose.  I feel like it is time to revisit those principles as a college graduate and see what God wants to teach me.  Therefore, I want to spend as much time as possible digging in God's Word and see what all He wants to show me.  I need to remove the distractions of the world and focus on my Savior.  That's the intentions of getting off Facebook for a while, along with other distractions in my life. 

I encourage you to keep in touch with me through this blog over the next 40 days to see what all God has in store through this.  I can't wait to see all the things He has that He wants to reveal to me, and hopefully I will get the chance to share some of those with all of you.

I also ask that you pray for me.  I have a desire to learn so much about God and feel that the next 40 days of really praying and seeking God to see where He wants to take me in life is going to be powerful and mighty.  Pray that I can stick it out with this and stick to my plans, but also have a desire to continue this and see all this through until the end. 

I will be on this site frequently (hopefully!) posting things often, so leave comments, encouraging words, and be praying for me as I start this journey to really learn all about God and seek His will out for my life, as well as study and learn as much as I can about my God. 

Thank you all so much for supporting me through all this, and hopefully I will get the chance to post all kinds of things to share with you! 

Love You All, Brittney

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Do Something.. Do Anything... Do it NOW!

One of the wonderful and exciting things at Passion events, including at Passion 2011, is the Do Something Now displays.  Do Something Now is part of the Passion experince, where college students and volunteers at the Passion events can come and help out people in need, by donating money to the causes that have booths set up.  Each cause deals with something different, and each dollar donated goes straight toward the cause.  The charge at Passion 2011 was to donate $500,000 from the 22,000 college students in attendance.  Some of the pictures below are from the Do Something Now experience. 

 Each of the attendees of Passion 2011 were asked to bring towels and socks to donate to the Homeless shelters of Atlanta through the Touch Atlanta project. 
 These are just some of the towels that were collected over the four days.
 This was the project that helped stop sex trafficking in the Philippines.  Each rescue mission would cost approximately $4,500 to rescue 15 girls.
 When you donated money for this cause, you had your picture taken and it was placed on a board that had pictures of everyone that helped out this cause.  The four of us that stuck together during Passion all donated to this mission.
 This is the group of the four of us that all donated money to this mission.  It was a wonderful to know we are helping young girls on the other side of the world who so desperately need it.
 This was a station where you could spend $1 and pay to send 1 Bible to a person in Colombia where they have never been able to read the Bible because it is not in their language.  When you spent your $1 you could write a dedication or prayer in your own language to the person receiving the Bible and also pray over the recipient.  This was what these four men were doing.
 This station is where students and volunteers could contribute money to help build homes for the victims of the Haiti earthquake over one year ago.  One of the stories shared at Passion about a family that experienced the earthquake brought the entire Philips Arena to tears.
 This was the display area for the station where money could be donated for those to have not had access to clean water in India.
 This is the station that allowed those who wanted to offer to sponsor a child through Compassion International.
This station was for feeding hungry children in Africa who needed help with getting their everyday meals.  The bowls hanging overhead were sent to the child that was being sponsored so they could eat from the bowl when they received their food.  

This is only a small portion of the overall experience of Do Something Now.  The real story of this is incredible.  These photos were all taken between 11:15pm and 12:30am the last night we were at Passion 2011.  Did you notice all the people around?  There were some individuals who waited over an hour in a line in order to contribute money to a cause because they believed in that cause.  How incredibly amazing is that?

The thing that is even more incredible is that at 7:45pm Louie Giglio, the founder of Passion events, came onto the stage with amazement in his face.  He told us that we, the attendees of Passion 2011 had not met their goal of raising $500,000 but exceeded it in that we had already donated $700,000.  Four hours later there were still lines at each of the stations where people wanted to donate money for these causes. 

The last morning we were given amounts to say the totals of the money donated at Passion 2011, but people were still flooding the stations even after the last session of Passion.  In four days, college students blew the $500,000 goal out of the water!  The students of Passion 2011 gave a total of $1,167,249.24 to the causes of Do Something Now. 

But it's not about the money but about what you do.  It's about how you help others.  Helping someone does not include giving money alone, but by talking to them, calling to check on them, or just showing them that you care.  It's about doing something, and about doing anything, to show the love of God to them.  That's what Do Something Now was all about! 

So do something!  Do anything!  Do it in God's name to show his fame! 

Do Something.. Do Anything... Do it NOW!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

1-1-11: A New Year, A New Beginning!

Passion was a true learning experience.  There was so much information shared with us while we were there, and we were given so many examples of love, compassion, and amazing stories found in the Bible of things unimaginable but things that were done for you and me.  How cool is that! 

One of the nights we were at Passion our attention was directed to Philippians.  We, the 22,000 college students in attendance, were asked to look in our Bibles and to say the first word that we saw in our Bibles.  We didn't understand when we looked and it was the word Paul.  Why the word Paul?  What does it have to do with anything that would go with the date 1-1-11? 

In the previous books of the New Testament until this point, one of the followers of Jesus was always referred to as Saul.  When Philippians 1 starts out, the first word was Paul.  After everything Saul had done in his past, the word Paul reveals that he was given a new start.  Now I know that 1-1-11 is already come and gone, and I understand that it is important to remember that, but think about it.  No one on this Earth is perfect.  No one is close to being perfect.  But we can always be followers of God.  We can always be the ones that ask even our closest friends: Do you have a relationship with God that you are proud of? 

Can others see Christ living in you?  Without talking to you about it, can others see God through the way you live your life?  Is God's light shining through you to show the world who He is?  It may not be 1-1-11 but if there is something that needs to change in your heart, the change can start today.  1-1-11 may be an easy date to remember and a new start, but if you truly want to change your life and begin to live for God, then why not start today?  Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today! 

God wants us to live for Him.  He wants us to let our lights shine so that others can see Him and we can share His love with the world!  So tomorrow go out into the world and let the light and love of God shine through your words, your actions, and your thoughts! 

God the person reading this right now is beautiful and wonderful in your eyes.  They are seeking you and wanting to let you live through their lives.  Come inside their heart, live in their lives, and show others how wonderful and powerful you are.  Show them your light and love so that they can show that love and light to others in their world.  Fulfill their desires to serve you, and be a beacon of light for you.  Amen!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Living to Make Jesus Famous!!

Well, it's a new year!  We have all rang in the new year, threw the confetti, and most of us have begun back to work in 2011.  But I wonder something.  Can 2011 be a different year than 2010?  Can we make changes in our lives that will greatly change how 2011 goes compared to 2010?  I believe we can.  Even though you may not want to change how your life went in 2010, does God want you to make a change that will impact how you live in 2011?

If you are my friend on Facebook, you've been seeing my status and even a photo album labeled as "Making Jesus Famous".  Wondering what that means?  Where that came from?  Well, I will try my best in the next few posts to sum up an amazing four days in Atlanta, Georgia called Passion 2011.

This is inside Philips Arena on January 1, 2011 where 22,000 college students were inside Philips Arena and Georgia World Congress Center all for one purpose: to make the name of JESUS famous! 

The conference was not about the names of the people that sang there.  It was not about the names of the speakers who came and presented a message.  It was about something much more meaningful.  It was about time with you and your Father, studying His word, singing praises to God, and showing the love that He has to others around you.  Making new friendships and relationships, while strengthening the ones you came with.  Passion was much more about making the people of Passion famous, but about making the name of God famous!

Over the next few posts, I hope to give one small glimpse of what God showed to me while I was at Passion 2011 so you can just get a glimpse of how incredible these four days were!